
人气:836 发布:2022-09-22 标签: wpdevelop



I have a point on an image. but image is rotated, flipped (may be). I want the same point on unflipped, unrotated image. I have seen a Matrix, MatrixTransformation class in UWP which seems to be doing things for me.


Matrix has 6 params in which offset is translationx, translationY. What are other 4 params? Out of them which one is for scaling, shearing, & rotate?


Can you help me to achieve the effect I want?




See the transforms overview athttps://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/windows/uwp/design/layout/transforms

MatrixTransform是一种使用线性代数将变换合并为单个数学构造(Matrix)的方法。您可以在https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/windows/uwp/design/layout/transforms#describing-a-transform-mathematically 的文档中找到有关此内容的更多详细信息。其他参数不会直接映射到特定的单个变换,而是将多个单个矩阵相乘的结果。

The MatrixTransform is a way to use linear algebra to consolidate your transforms into a single mathematical construct (the Matrix). You can find more details on this in the documentation athttps://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/windows/uwp/design/layout/transforms#describing-a-transform-mathematically . The other parameters don't directly map to specific individual transforms but will be the result of multiplying several individual matrices.


If you don't have the mathematical background to understand how matrices work you'll probably be better off using the individual Translate, Scale, Rotate, and Skew transforms. Again, please see the previously linked documentation.

我不太了解您的具体用例,足以解释如何实现它。我建议如果您需要帮助,请打开一个Premier Advisory支持案例,这样您就可以提供更明确的详细信息,并且有人可以单独与您合作。或者,因为这实际上是一个数学问题而不是UWP特有的,所以你可能会在Adobe中找到可以帮助你的人。

I don't understand your specific use case well enough to explain how to achieve it. I'd recommend that if you need help with it you open a Premier Advisory support case so you can provide more explicit details and somebody can work with you individually on the math. Alternatively, since this is really a mathematics question and not specific to UWP you can likely find somebody within Adobe who can help you with it.