
人气:405 发布:2022-09-22 标签: c#


如何分隔数字如何获取'\'之前的数字以及单独斜线之后 i这样做

 < span class =code-keyword> private   String  removeCodeNumber( String  covCode) { 字符串 [] cov = covCode.Split('  / );   if (cov.Length >   2 ) {  return  cov [ 0 ]。ToString( ); }   else   {  return  covCode; } }  私有 字符串 removeCovcode( String  codenbr) {  String  [] cov = codenbr.Split('  /');   if (cov.Length >   2 ) {  return  cov [ 1 ]。ToString( ); }   else   {  return  codenbr; } } 

例子covcode有161 \ 47899 现在我需要分开这两个值


嘿那里, 在拆分方法中尝试 \\

 covCode.Split('  \\')

如果有帮助请告诉我。 Azee ...

你的代码应该可以工作。 你的问题是斜线的方向吗?您的书面解释是使用反斜杠但您的代码使用正斜杠?

在两种方法中,您都要检查 Split()的结果是否 大于 2项。 (我也假设你想要你在文本中隐含的反斜杠你的问题。) 尝试:

  private  字符串 removeCodeNumber(字符串 covCode) {  / /  在这种情况下,不需要检查结果长度!   //  如果未找到搜索字符,则返回仅包含covCode的数组。   return  covCode.Split('  \\')[ 0 ]; }    private  字符串 removeCovcode( String  codenbr) {  String  [] cov = codenbr.Split('  \\');   if (cov.Length >  =  2 ) {  return  cov [ 1 ];  //  。ToString();是不必要的,它已经是一个字符串 }   return  codenbr;  //  其他是不必要的,因为上面的返回会阻止fall-thru } 

how to seperate the digits how to get the digits before '\' and after slash seperately i did like this

private String removeCodeNumber(String covCode)
           String[] cov=covCode.Split('/');
           if (cov.Length > 2)
               return cov[0].ToString();
               return covCode;
       private String removeCovcode(String codenbr)
           String[] cov = codenbr.Split('/');
           if (cov.Length > 2)
               return cov[1].ToString();
               return codenbr;

example covcode is having 161\47899 now i need sepereate these two values


Hey there, Try \\ in the Split method:


Let me know if it helps. Azee...

Your code should work. Is your problem the direction of your slash? Your written explanation is using back-slash but your code is using forward-slash?

In both methods you are checking if the result of the Split() has greater than 2 items. (I'm also assuming that you wanted the backslash as you implied in the text of your question.) Try:

private String removeCodeNumber(String covCode)
  // in this case no checking of the result length is necessary!
  // if the search character isn't found then an array containing only the covCode is returned.
  return covCode.Split('\\')[0];

private String removeCovcode(String codenbr)
  String[] cov = codenbr.Split('\\');
  if (cov.Length >= 2)
    return cov[1];    //.ToString(); is unnecessary, it's already a string
  return codenbr;     // else is unnecessary because above return prevents "fall-thru"