[UWP] Xbox One上的TTS

人气:573 发布:2022-09-22 标签: wpdevelop


问候! 我正试图在我用XBox One的C ++ / CX语言编写的游戏中实现TTS支持,我有几个问题。是否可以在游戏方面检查是否启用了系统文字转语音选项?是否有任何SpeechSynthesizer (例如Windows.Media.SpeechSynthesis)的实现可以播放结果声音"开箱即用"?

Greetings! I'm trying to implement TTS support in my game written on C++/CX language for XBox One and I have couple of questions. Is it possible to check on game side is system Text-To-Speech option enabled? And is there any implementations of SpeechSynthesizer (e.g. Windows.Media.SpeechSynthesis) that can play result sound "out of the box"?


好吧,我对你的问题有点困惑。在Windows 10桌面设备中,如果要实现TTS功能​​,则无需检查"文字转语音"选项,因为设置中没有此类选项。

Well, I'm a little confused about your questions. In windows 10 desktop devices, if you want to implement TTS features, you do not need to check theText-To-Speech option as there is no such options in the settings.



Another question, what do you mean play result sound "out of the box"? Could you describe this with more details?

这里有关于TTS的官方样本: SpeechRecognitionAndSynthesis 。你可以尝试直接在xbox中运行它,看看它是否满足你的要求。

There is an official sample about TTS here:SpeechRecognitionAndSynthesis. You could try to run it directly in the xbox and to see whether it meets your requirments.

