有没有一种简单的方法可以使用c ++中的ascii代码将小写改为大写?

人气:757 发布:2022-09-22 标签: ascii c++


您好b $ b 我希望找到一种方法,无论使用哪个字母,都可以将任何小写字母更改为大写字母。我在网上看到了一些关于使用asciii值来完成这个的事情,但是我不确定这将如何应用于每个字母。 我相信这会将小写字母b转换为大写字母B,但我怎么能把这个改成 到适用于任何信件? 'B'='b' - 'a'+'A' 我非常感谢您提供的任何建议或帮助。

Hi I'm hoping to find a way to change any lowercase letter to an uppercase no matter which letter is used. I saw online something about using the asciii values to accomplish this however I'm not sure how this would be applied to every letter. This I believe will convert lowercase b to uppercase B, but how could I change this to apply to any letter? ‘B’ = ‘b’ – ‘a’ + ‘A’ I greatly appreciate any advice or help you may offer.


安全的做法是: The safe way is to do something like:
char c = ...;
if (islower(c)) c=toupper(c);


wchar_t c = ...;
if (iswlower(c)) c=towupper(c);

另请参阅 http://www.cplusplus.com/reference/cctype/ islower / [ ^ ] char 基于文本,或 http://www.cplusplus.com/reference / cwctype / iswlower / [ ^ ]对于 wchar_t 基于文本。 干杯 Andi

See also http://www.cplusplus.com/reference/cctype/islower/[^] for char based text, or http://www.cplusplus.com/reference/cwctype/iswlower/[^] for wchar_t based text. Cheers Andi

之间的区别A(65)和a(97)的ASCII值为32.这对所有字母都是相同的。您可以简单地从小写值中减去32,这将是大写等效。 The difference between the ASCII value for A (65) and a (97) is 32. This is the same for all letters. You can simply subtract 32 from the lower case value and that would be the upper case equivalent.

您可以使用这些函数 [ ^ ]或这些 [