Expo XDE“超过 60000 毫秒的超时"?

人气:656 发布:2022-10-16 标签: react-native-ios expo


我正在使用 Expo XDE 为我的第一个 react 本机应用程序创建一个新项目.

I am using Expo XDE to create a new project for my first react native application.

但是每当我点击创建新项目"时,它就会开始下载一些东西和错误.不知道在哪里增加这个超时值,我检查了 expo 的文档但找不到与此相关的任何内容.非常感谢这里的任何线索.

But whenever I click on "create new project", it starts downloading some stuff and errors out. Don't know where to increase this timeout value, I checked the documentation of expo but could not find anything related to this. Any leads here is really appreciated.

请注意,我在 mac OS High Sierra 版本 10.13 (17A405) 上安装了 expo xde-2.22.0.dmg

Please note that I installed expo xde-2.22.0.dmg on mac OS High Sierra version 10.13 (17A405)



Looks like someone reported this issue to expo after reading this question.

对 XDE 的更新会增加超时.升级到 XDE v2.22.1 应该可以解决这个问题.

An update to XDE is made that increases the timeout. Upgrading to XDE v2.22.1 should fix this.