Notepad++ 是否显示所有隐藏字符?

人气:963 发布:2022-10-16 标签: ide text-editor scintilla editor notepad++


在 Notepad++ 中,我设置了用 2 个空格替换制表符".

In Notepad++ I have set "replace tab with 2 spaces".

在 Python 中编码时,我从网上复制粘贴了一些代码,它看起来缩进正确.但是运行代码会导致缩进错误,我最终通过删除行开头的所有可见"空格并再次插入相同数量的空格来解决这个问题.

When coding in Python I copy-pasted some code from the web and it appeared indented correctly. But running the code resulted in indentation errors, which I solved in the end by removing all "visible" spaces at line beginnings and inserting the same amount of spaces again.

有没有可能基于 Scintilla 的 Notepad++ 不显示所有特殊字符,但将它们显示为空格?有解决这个问题的设置吗?

Could it be possible that Scintilla based Notepad++ does not show all special characters, but displays them as spaces? Is there a setting to fix this?


是的.启用此功能的方式取决于您的 Notepad++ 版本.在较新的版本上,您可以使用:

Yes, it does. The way to enable this depends on your version of Notepad++. On newer versions you can use:

菜单查看 → 显示符号 → *显示所有字符`

Menu View → Show Symbol → *Show All Characters`

菜单查看 → 显示符号 → 显示空白和制表符

(感谢下面bers 的评论和bkaid 对这些更新位置的回答.)

(Thanks to bers' comment and bkaid's answers below for these updated locations.)


On older versions you can look for:

菜单查看 → 显示所有字符

菜单查看 → 显示空白和制表符