在 InAppBrowser 中打开链接时维护标题

人气:322 发布:2022-10-16 标签: html angularjs javascript ionic-framework inappbrowser


我正在使用 ionic 框架来开发本机应用程序.在这里,我在所有页面中都有默认标题.切换到第二页时,我需要应用内浏览器来查看外部内容.

I'm using ionic framework to develop native app. Here, I'm having default header in all the pages. When switching over to second page, I need in-app browser to view the external content.

所以,我使用了 window.open

So, I used window.open

 <a href="#" onclick="window.open('https://google.com','_blank','location=yes','closebuttoncaption=Return');">Click Here to view inapp browser</a>


But, I need the header to be constant when I am viewing the content in in-app browser.

在离子框架中可以吗?我不需要 iframe 为此.它在 html 中很重要.

Is it possible in ionic framework? I don't need iframe for this. It is heavy weighted in html.


我有一个 html 文件,我将其注入 iframe.喜欢

I m having a html file which I m injecting to iframe. like

<div id="header"></div>
<iframe src="serveraddress/index.html"></iframe> 

除了 iframe,还有什么东西可以保持标题不变?如果我使用应用内浏览器,我的标题是不可见的.

Instead of iframe, is there anything which remains the header constant? If I use in-app browser, my header was invisible.





DISCLAIMER: none of the code provided below has been tested; however, this answer gives you guidelines to implement your solution.

代替 iframe,是否有任何保持标题不变的内容?如果我使用应用内浏览器,我的标题是不可见的.(...)当我查看外部网站内容时,标题需要保持不变.

Instead of iframe, is there anything which remains the header constant? If I use in-app browser, my header was invisible.(...)Header needs to be constant when I'm viewing external website content.


When you use in-app browser:

<a href="#" onclick="window.open('https://google.com','_blank','location=yes','closebuttoncaption=Return');">Click Here to view inapp browser</a>

它会打开一个弹出窗口,显示请求的 URL.

it opens a popup which displays the requested URL.


You would like to have your own header displayed in the in-app browser window. I see two ways to do this:

A) 您可以预先自定义要在应用内浏览器中显示的网页,并将其存储在您的服务器上.

自定义网页可能包含一些第三方 HTML,使用下面提到的 4 种技术之一.参见技术 1、2a、2b 和 2c.

The customised webpage could have included some third party HTML, using one of the 4 techniques mentioned below. See techniques 1, 2a, 2b and 2c.


Say you store a customised webpage on your server which is like so:

<div id="header"></div>
<div id="main"></div>


The page is stored on your own server, at url: www.myserver.com

如果您进行通话,例如:window.open('http://www.myserver.com',...) 您将显示您的自定义页面,带有您自己的标题.

If you make your in-call like: window.open('http://www.myserver.com',...) you would display your customised page, with your own headers.

B) 您可以使用应用内浏览器获取第三方网页,将其隐藏,修改,然后显示

请阅读此 Cordova 文档页面.


To open a window and keep it hidden:

var ref = window.open(url, target,'hidden=yes');

var ref = window.open(url, target,'hidden=yes');


To execute a script when the hidden in-app window is ready:

var iabRef = null;
function insertMyHeader() {
    code: "var b=document.querySelector('body'); var a=document.createElement('div');document.createTextNode('my own header!'); a.appendChild(newContent);b.parentNode.insertBefore(a,b);"
}, function() {
    alert("header successfully added");
function iabClose(event) {
     iabRef.removeEventListener('loadstop', replaceHeaderImage);
     iabRef.removeEventListener('exit', iabClose);

function onDeviceReady() {
 iabRef = window.open('http://apache.org', '_blank', 'location=yes');
 iabRef.addEventListener('loadstop', insertMyHeader);
 iabRef.addEventListener('exit', iabClose);


附录:在您的应用中使用第三方内容的 4 种技巧:

APPENDIX: 4 techniques to use third-party content in your apps:

如果第三方网站提供API(复杂的解决方案,但可完整配置) If the third-party website provides an API (complex solution, but entirable configurable)

例如必应搜索 API

一些网站提供了一个 API,它以裸信息进行响应,通常以 JSON 字符串的形式返回.

Some websites provide an API, which responds with bare information, usually returned in the form of a JSON string.

您可以使用像 Mustache 这样的 JavaScript 模板来根据您的 JSON 响应创建 HTML得到了,无论是服务器端还是客户端.然后你打开你的弹出窗口:

You can use a JavaScript templator like Mustache to create your HTML from the JSON response you got, either server-side or client side. Then you open your popup:

<div id="header"></div>
<div id="myTemplatedHTML"></div>

如果您选择客户端选项,我建议您阅读 open插入 html 的 javascript 窗口

If you go for the client-side option, I suggest you read open window in javascript with html inserted


2a. If the third-party website does not provide an API: cross-site javascript call

请阅读此线程:使用 jQuery AJAX 加载跨域 html 页面

你会在你的 HTML 中:

You would have in your HTML:

<div id="header"></div>
<div id="myLoadedHTML"></div>

myLoadedHTML 将填充从第三方网站获取的 HTML.

And the myLoadedHTML would be filled with HTML fetched from the third-party website.

我建议使用像 YQL 这样的工具来获取 HTML.YQL 可让您进行复杂的查询,以获取所需的 HTML 部分.

I recommend to use a tool like YQL to fetch the HTML. YQL will let you make complex queries to fetch just the bits of HTML you need.

2b.如果第三方网站不提供 API:嵌入

请查看此线程:带有 html5 的 iframe 的替代方案

它是这样写的:如果你想显示跨域的 HTML 内容(使用 CSS 样式并与 javascript 交互)iframe 仍然是一个很好的方式


<embed src="http://www.somesite.com" width=200 height=200 /></embed>


In your case, you could probably achieve your goal with something like:

<div id="header"></div>
<embed src="http://www.somesite.com" width=200 height=200 /></embed>


或者,如果你想在 iframe 中显示第三方网站,然后用你自己的内容修改显示,我建议你检查这个 StackOverflow 线程:无法修改 iframe 的内容,是什么问题?

Alternatively, should you want to display a third-party website in an iframe, and then modify the display with your own content, I suggest you check this StackOverflow thread: Cannot modify content of iframe, what is wrong?

在您的特定情况下,假设您将 iframe 命名为 myIframe:

In your particular case, say you named your iframe myIframe:

<iframe src="serveraddress/index.html" id="myIframe"></iframe>


You could then achieve your goal with something like this:

        $(this).contents().find('body').before('<div id="header"></div>');