
人气:452 发布:2022-10-16 标签: python selenium headless browser-automation



I know this is sort of counter to the purpose of headless automation, but...


I've got an automation test running using Selenium and Chromedriver in headless mode. I'd prefer to keep it running headless, but occasionally, it runs into an error that really needs to be looked at and interacted with. Is it possible to render and interact with a headless session? Maybe by duplicating the headless browser in a non-headless one? I can connect through remote-debugging, but the Dev Tools doesn't seem to do allow me to view the rendered page or interact with anything.


I am able to take screenshots, which sort of helps. But I'm really looking for the ability to interact--there's some drag-and-drop elements that aren't working well with Selenium that are causing issues occasionally.




You can peek into a headless browser by using the "--remote-debugging-port" argument in ChromeOptions. For example,

from selenium import webdriver
from selenium.webdriver.chrome.options import Options

chrome_options = Options()
chrome_options.add_argument('--remote-debugging-port=9222') # Recommended is 9222
driver = webdriver.Chrome(options=chrome_options)

然后,当Selenium运行时,您可以在常规浏览器中转到 http://localhost:9222 进行查看无头的会议.它将显示指向Chrome打开的每个标签的链接,您可以通过单击链接来查看/交互每个页面.从那里,您可以在Selenium运行其自动化测试时监视Selenium/Chrome.

Then while Selenium is running, you can go to http://localhost:9222 in your regular browser to view the headless session. It will display links to each tab Chrome has open, and you can view/interact with each page by clicking on the links. From there, you'll be able to monitor Selenium/Chrome as Selenium runs its automation test.