
人气:551 发布:2022-10-16 标签: google-bigquery google-cloud-platform google-cloud-firestore google-cloud-functions


对于我的Firestore表的每个记录"类型,BigQuery都会自动添加"键"列.我不想为每个记录"类型字段添加这些内容.如何摆脱BigQuery自动添加的这些额外的列? (我想摆脱以黄色突出显示的BigQuery表架构中的以下列)

For every 'Record' Type of my Firestore table, BigQuery is automatically adding the 'key' columns. I do not want to have these added for each of the 'Record' Type fields. How can I get rid of these extra columns automatically being added by BigQuery? (I want to get rid of the below columns in my BigQuery table schema highlighted in yellow)


这是预期的行为,引用了Bigquery GCP 服务,您将无法更改此行为,除了要为目标Bigquery表中的每个RECORD字段发送的__key__.*属性.

Due to the fact that Firestore export method is fully integrated with GCP managed import and export service, you can't change this behavior, excluding __key__.* properties being sent for each RECORD field in the target Bigquery table.


I guess in your use case, Bigquery table modification action will require some hand-on intervention, since it requires manually changing schema data.

为了设置这种可行性,我鼓励您通过Google公开发行 tracker向供应商提出服务请求.

In order to set up this feasibility I would encourage you to raise a service request to the vendor via Google public issue tracker.