
人气:433 发布:2022-10-16 标签: swing jpanel windowlistener



I am working with some strange legacy code. They have a custom object which implements a JPanel. This JPanel object is a secondary popup screen within the main application. The issue I'm having is to detect when the secondary popup screen is closed.


I tried to implement a WindowListener for the class, but when I try to add it, there is no JFrame associated with this object. I am assuming this is because they are using a custom object and it is an embedded popup screen.


I tried to retrieve a JFrame using:

JFrame parentFrame = (JFrame) SwingUtilities.getWindowAncestor(this);

NullPointerException上失败.我不知道为什么很难在此页面上检测到右上角的"x"关闭按钮!我应该提到,他们能够将Mouse和Key Listeners添加到JPanel中嵌入的表中.但是整个窗口的外部监听器给我带来了麻烦.

which fails on a NullPointerException. I have no idea why it's so difficult to detect the right hand corner "x" close button on this page! I should mention that they were able to add Mouse and Key Listeners to the table which is embedded within the JPanel. But the outside listener for the entire window is causing me troubles.


(Please bear with me, this is my first stackoverflow post and I am new to Swing.)


