如何使用Visual Basic在Geckofx中使用内部文本

人气:268 发布:2022-10-16 标签: vb


你好,新手在这里. 因此,我想制作一个程序,该程序将使用GeckoWebBrowser打开一个网站.该网站上有一个文本框,我想在该文本框中插入一个文本. 例如,在经典的Web浏览器上,我将执行以下操作: WebBrowser1.Document.GetElementById("word").InnerText ="gehen" 现在,我想在GeckoWebBrowser中做同样的事情,但是问题是它似乎没有innerText控件. 这是html代码的一部分:

Hello, newbie here. So, I want to make a program, which will open up a website with GeckoWebBrowser. There in that website is a text box, and I want to insert a text into that text box. For instance, on a classic web browser I would do this: WebBrowser1.Document.GetElementById("word").InnerText = "gehen" Now, I would like to do the same thing in GeckoWebBrowser, but the problem is that it doesn''t seem to have the innerText control. Here is the part of the html code:

<pre><pre><input id="word" class="input_style ui-autocomplete-input" type="text" maxlength="50">

并链接到该网站以获得更好的视图: https://www.dict.com/德语-英语 我尝试过的事情: 这是我尝试过的... 第一次尝试:

And the link to the website for the better view: https://www.dict.com/German-English What I have tried: Here''s what I''ve tried... 1st try:

GeckoWebBrowser1.Document.GetElementById("word").TextContent = "gehen"


2nd try:

GeckoWebBrowser1.Document.GetElementById("word").SetAttribute("text", "gehen")

第三次尝试: 我从某个论坛上获得的信息:

3rd try: What I got from some forum:

Dim myElement As Gecko.GeckoHtmlElement = Nothing
Dim myDoc As Gecko.GeckoDocument = GeckoWebBrowser1.Window.Document
myElement = myDoc.GetHtmlElementById("word")

If myElement IsNot Nothing Then
    myElement.InnerHtml = "gehen"
End If

就是这样.我已经尝试了整整一个星期,但是似乎找不到我的问题的答案.我在不同的论坛上搜索过,我也可能搜索了整个网络,但没有运气. 我真的希望您能提供帮助,并非常感谢您. 祝您一天余下的时间像巧克力一样令人惊奇:)

And that''s about it. I''ve been trying this for a whole week, but I just don''t seem to find an answer to my question. I''ve searched on different forums, I might as well have searched the whole web, but no luck. I really hope you can help, and thank you very, very much for it. May the rest of your day be as amazing as the taste of a chocolate :)


成员,您好13254081. 我用过这样的东西. Hi, Member 13254081. I used something like this.
Dim inputter As GeckoTextAreaElement = DirectCast(GeckoWeb.Document.GetElementById("wpTextbox1"), GeckoTextAreaElement)


then this...

                inputter.SelectionDirection = "forward"
                inputter.SelectionStart = inputter.Value.IndexOf("<!-- ProtoItem-Name:", StringComparison.Ordinal)
                inputter.SelectionEnd = inputter.Value.IndexOf("}}", StringComparison.Ordinal)
                inputter.Value = etwasvordemquelltext & tempgegenstand.SeitenQuellText & vbNewLine & etwasnachdemquelltext

它用于改变它认为...的组合框上的选择.... 但最重要的是

this is used to cahnge the selection on a Combobox it think.... But the most Importent is the "inputter.Value" of the


的"inputter.Value" c.u.来自汉堡的Zui

c.u. Zui from Hamburg