
人气:566 发布:2022-09-22 标签: wpsubmit


windows商店一直说我的"应用名称不能准确代表应用"。对我来说这是一个新问题,仅在2016年2月16日开始。自2013年以来,我一直成功地将应用程序发布到Windows和Windows Phone商店,使用,这是我用来创造性地命名我的应用程序的相同过程,这是我遇到过的第一个问题。我的朋友昨天从他的应用程序开始遇到同样的问题。商店会向我们发送一封电子邮件,说明我们的应用程序通过了认证,然后他们会向我们发送一封电子邮件,说明我们的应用程序是"不合规"的。因为"应用名称不能准确代表应用"。很奇怪。因此,我和我的朋友昨晚围着火灾聊天,并决定只浏览Windows Phone商店中的一些应用程序名称,并意识到实际应用程序名称中只有9个给出了应用程序实际功能的真实指示!那么,我们在这里失踪了什么? MS正在做一件新的的事情,我们已经"错过了备忘录"。上?是否有其他人遇到同样的问题,并且可以解决一个问题(除了测试人员在询问它时提供的默认建议,那就是)?

The windowsstore keeps saying that my "app name does not accurately represent the app". This is a new problem for me that only started 2/16/16. I've been successfully publishing apps to the Windows and Windows Phone store since 2013, using the same process that I've always used to name my apps creatively and this is the first problem that I have ever encountered. My friend is having the same issue with his apps starting yesterday. The store will send us an email saying that our apps passed certification, and then they will subsequently send us an email saying that our apps are "non-compliant" because the "app name does not accurately represent the app". Very weird. So my friend and I were sitting around chatting about it around the fire last night and decided to just look through some of the app names in the Windows Phone store and realized that only 1 out of maybe 9 of the actual app names gave any real indication of what the app actually does! So, what are we missing here? Is there a new thing that MS is doing that we have "missed the memo" on? Is anyone else having this same problem and can shed some light on a fix (other than the default advice that the testers give when you ask them about it, that is)?


*我的意思是,它于2016年2月15日开始...... *I meant, it started 2/15/16...