在我的mfc应用程序中获取microsoft busy server对话框

人气:952 发布:2022-09-22 标签: vcgeneral


我正在使用基于mfc的桌面应用程序而且我是新手。问题是,在不同的时间我得到微软繁忙的服务器对话框,要求我切换或重试,因为它不是从应用程序生成,我不能来弄清楚如何解决它并删除此消息。另外,我注意到这个对话框出现在那些应用程序试图通过c#dll在 mfc非托管c ++代码的c ++托管包装类的帮助下调用某些第三方API的地方。

I'm using a mfc based desktop application and I'm new to it. The problem is, at different instance of time I'm getting Microsoft's busy server dialog box which ask me to either switch or retry, and since it's not generating from application, I'm not able to figure out how to solve it and remove this message. Also, what I noticed is this dialog is appearing at those places generally where application is trying to call some third party API through c# dll with the help of c++ managed wrapper class from mfc unmanaged c++ code.


I'm not able to add image of that dialog for some reason, but for sure that dialog box is quite irritating. So how can I skip this message dialog box? If anyone can help because I'm struggling with this issue.



我正在使用基于mfc的桌面应用程序而且我是新手。问题是,在不同的时间我得到微软繁忙的服务器对话框,要求我切换或重试,因为它不是从应用程序生成,我不能来弄清楚如何解决它并删除此消息。另外,我注意到这个对话框出现在那些应用程序试图通过c#dll在 mfc非托管c ++代码的c ++托管包装类的帮助下调用某些第三方API的地方。

I'm using a mfc based desktop application and I'm new to it. The problem is, at different instance of time I'm getting Microsoft's busy server dialog box which ask me to either switch or retry, and since it's not generating from application, I'm not able to figure out how to solve it and remove this message. Also, what I noticed is this dialog is appearing at those places generally where application is trying to call some third party API through c# dll with the help of c++ managed wrapper class from mfc unmanaged c++ code.


I'm not able to add image of that dialog for some reason, but for sure that dialog box is quite irritating. So how can I skip this message dialog box? If anyone can help because I'm struggling with this issue.


服务器应用程序已指示它正忙,无法处理来自客户端的呼叫。要更好地了解这种情况,请阅读的文档 COleMessageFilter类。

The server application has indicated that it is busy and unable to process a call from a client. To gain a better understanding of this situation read the documentation at COleMessageFilter Class.