
人气:1,015 发布:2022-09-22 标签: php


我正在实施EBS支付网关。我已经设置了商家帐户ID,密钥和模式(TEST),但是当我点击付款时会出现错误,即付款请求无效。我已经在注册域上测试了它,但是出现了同样的问题。所有必需的付款字段都通过POST方式传递到https://secure.ebs.in/pg/ma/sale/pay/ 我已经下载了集成来自以下网址的工具包https://support.ebs.in/app/index.php?/Knowledgebase/Article/View/390/10/php-ebs-integration-kit-25 请帮我解决这个问题。谢谢


感谢ThePhantomUpvoter和Kislay Raj。实际上,正如Kislay Raj所写,我是从其他域发送数据而未在我们的ebs中注册a / c


response ['ResponseCode'] == 0表示事务已成功完成。除0值交易失败。 阅读以下文章以解决问题。在这篇文章中清楚地解释了如何在php中集成ebs payment gatway。试试吧。


< a href =http://www.vaaah.com/php/view/PaymentGateways/21/EBS-payment-gateway-integration-using-PHP>使用PHP进行EBS支付整合

I am implementing EBS payment Gateway. I have set the merchant Account ID, secret Key & MODE (TEST) but when I click to pay it gives an error i.e. Invalid Payment Request. I have already tested it on registered domain but same issue appears. all required fields for payment are passing to https://secure.ebs.in/pg/ma/sale/pay/ with POST method I have downloaded the integration kit from following URL https://support.ebs.in/app/index.php?/Knowledgebase/Article/View/390/10/php-ebs-integration-kit-25 Please help me to solve this issue. Thank You


Thank You to ThePhantomUpvoter and Kislay Raj. actually as Kislay Raj wrote i was sending data from other domain which is not register in our ebs a/c

My online shopping project i also faced same problem. after lot of googling i find the solution. Response is provided using POST method to the URL defined under ReturnURL parameter in the payment request.

response['ResponseCode'] == 0 means transaction successfully completed. Other than 0 value transactions failed. Read below article to solve the problem. In this article clearly explained how to integrate ebs payment gatway in php. try it.


EBS Payment Integration using PHP