
人气:873 发布:2022-10-16 标签: ios button cocoa-touch uikit



I need to make some triangular buttons that overlap each other.

虽然 UIButtons 可以将透明图像作为背景,并且 UIControls 可以有自定义视图,但它们的点击区域始终是方形的.如何为我的按钮创建一个三角形的命中区域?

While UIButtons can take transparent images as backgrounds, and UIControls can have custom views, the hit area of these is always square. How can I create a triangular hitarea for my buttons?

我来自 FLash 背景,所以我通常会为我的视图创建一个 hitarea,但我不相信我可以在 Cocoa 中做到这一点.

I come from a FLash background so I would normally create a hitarea for my view, but I don't believe I can do this in Cocoa.



你可以通过继承 UIButton 并提供你自己的来实现:

You can achieve this by subclassing UIButton and providing your own:

- (BOOL)pointInside:(CGPoint)point withEvent:(UIEvent *)event {
    // return YES if point is inside the receiver’s bounds; otherwise, NO.

Apple 的 UIView 文档提供详细信息,例如确认 point 已经在接收器的坐标系中.

Apple's UIView Documentation provides the details, such as confirming that point is already in the receiver's coordinate system.