
人气:253 发布:2022-10-16 标签: selenium-webdriver headless-browser selenium webdriver headless


实际上,我想在不想打开任何浏览器的服务器上运行我的 selenium 代码.但我很困惑哪个 webdriver 用于执行所有任务的服务器(我从某个站点下载一些文件并存储在我的服务器中).


要在不打开任何浏览器的情况下通过 Selenium 执行您的 Test Suite,您可以使用任何 浏览器客户端来自以下列表:



Actually I want to run my selenium code on server where dont want open the any browser. But I am confused which webdriver is use for the server which do all task (where I download some files from some site and store in my server).


To execute your Test Suite through Selenium without opening any browser you can use any of the Browser Client from the following list :

Headless Chrome : Here you can find an working example. Headless Firefox : Here you can find an working example. PhantomJS : Here you can find an working example. HtmlUnitDriver : Here you can find an working example. headless-selenium-for-win : Here you can find a detailed discussion.

Headless Browser

Headless Browser is a web browser without a Graphical User Interface controlled programmatically used for automation, testing, and other purposes.

Headless Browser Engines

These Headless Browser Engines fully render web pages or run JavaScript in a virtual DOM :

Headless Multi Drivers

These Headless Multi Drivers libraries can control multiple browser engines (typically using Selenium) :