如果标准输入为空,如何忽略 xargs 命令?

人气:700 发布:2022-10-16 标签: centos bash xargs



ls /mydir/*.txt | xargs chown root


The intention is to change owners of all text files in mydir to root

问题是,如果 mydir 中没有 .txt 文件,那么 xargs 会报错,说没有指定路径.这是一个无害的示例,因为正在引发错误,但在某些情况下,例如在我需要在此处使用的脚本中,假定当前目录为空白路径.因此,如果我从 /home/tom/ 运行该命令,那么如果 ls/mydir/*.txt/home/下的所有文件都没有结果tom/ 已将其所有者更改为 root.

The issue is that if there are no .txt files in mydir then xargs thows an error saying there is no path specified. This is a harmless example because an error is being thrown, but in some cases, like in the script that i need to use here, a blank path is assumed to be the current directory. So if I run that command from /home/tom/ then if there is no result for ls /mydir/*.txt and all files under /home/tom/ have their owners changed to root.

那么如何让 xargs 忽略空结果?

So how can I have xargs ignore an empty result?


对于 GNU xargs,可以使用 -r--no-run-if-empty 选项:

For GNU xargs, you can use the -r or --no-run-if-empty option:

--no-run-if-empty -r 如果标准输入不包含任何非空格,请不要运行该命令.通常,即使没有输入,该命令也会运行一次.此选项是 GNU 扩展.

--no-run-if-empty -r If the standard input does not contain any nonblanks, do not run the command. Normally, the command is run once even if there is no input. This option is a GNU extension.

xargs 的 BSD 版本在 macOS 上使用,不会对空输入运行命令,因此不需要 -r 选项(也不需要它被那个版本的 xargs 接受).

The BSD version of xargs, which is used on macOS, does not run the command for an empty input, so the -r option is not needed (nor is it accepted by that version of xargs).