如何在 1 个水晶报表查看器中查看多个报表?

人气:267 发布:2022-10-16 标签: vb.net visual-studio-2010 crystal-reports reportviewer subreport


如何在 1 个水晶报表查看器中一次打开 2 个单独的报表?

How can I open 2 seperate reports in 1 crystal reports viewer at a single time?


And when previewing the report, I see that my subreport doesn't filled its parent control width, how to Subreport width fill its parent width?

我在 Visual Studio 2010 中使用 Crystal Reports.

I use crystal reports for visual studio 2010.



As far as I know you can't have multiple reports show in the same viewer as the report gets bound to the viewer. Now there are some ways of getting around that and making it look like you have multiple reports showing in one viewer:

1) 您可以将多个查看器附加到您的页面并禁止所有工具栏.

1) You could append multiple viewers to your page and suppress all toolbars.

2) 您可以将每个报表制作成一个子报表并将它们放入一个报表中.

2) You could make each of the reports into a subreport and put them into one report.

3) 如果报表不是交互式的(即分页、链接、向下钻取等),您可以为每个报表生成 pdf 文件并将它们合并.

3) If the report is not going to be interactive(ie - paging, links, drill down, etc) you could just generate pdf's for each report and merge them.


And about your subreport not showing correctly: you need to format the subreport seperately to make it fit your page. Just formatting the subreport container will not help, you have to format the subreport itself.

