显示所有带有滚动选项的标签(屏幕上应该只有 4 个标签)

人气:793 发布:2022-10-16 标签: ios ios6 uiscrollview uitabbar uitabbaritem


我是 iOS 开发的新手.到目前为止我所做的如下.

I am newbie for iOS development. What I have done so far is as below.

创建新项目移除所有控制器并添加视图控制器.在ViewController中拖入ScrollViewScrollView中拖动Tab BarTab Bar中拖拽了7个Tab Bar Item. Created New Project Removed all controller and added View Controller. Dragged ScrollView in ViewController Dragged Tab Bar in ScrollView Dragged 7 Tab Bar Item in Tab Bar.

现在,当我执行这个项目时,屏幕上的所有 7 个选项卡都看起来不太好.所以我计划首先只显示 4 个选项卡,如果用户水平滚动它,用户可以滚动并查看其他选项卡.

Now when I execute this project, I have all 7 tabs on screen which is not looking good. So what I am planning is display only 4 tab at first and if user scroll it horizontally, user can scroll and see rest tabs.

所以,我想要实现的是以编程方式在 ScrollView 中设置一些参数,它只会显示前 4 个选项.

So, what I want to achieve is programmatically set some parameter in ScrollView that it will display only first 4 options only.


Any idea/ suggestion on this to be done?


我认为这个可能更适合这种情况.与 KLHorizo​​ntalSelect 相反,它有点旧(一年没有在 master 分支上提交?)而且我没有使用它的经验,但它可能会解决你的问题:InfiniTabBar.

I think this one may be even more adapted to the situation. Contrary to KLHorizontalSelect, it's kind of old (no commit on the master branch for a year ?) and I have no experience with it, but it may solve your problem : InfiniTabBar.



A scrolling tab bar with space for infinite items




I don't think it looks exactly as you want, but I think it works almost as what you're expecting. Maybe you can work on the design ?