测试应用程序是否确实从 UILocalNotification 变为活动状态

人气:236 发布:2022-10-16 标签: iphone background objective-c uilocalnotification



Is there a way to know if the application did become active from a local notification?


I know there is a way to test if the application was launched from a local notification alert; but if it just was sitting out there the background, and received a notification?


I need to run different code, when the app has become active:




恐怕 Sylter 不正确.当应用程序从后台进入前台时,无论是通过直接用户操作还是通过用户对 UILocalNotification 的响应,它都不会触发 applicationDidFinishLaunchingWithOptions.但是,它确实调用了 applicationWillEnterForegroundapplicationDidBecomeActive.这可以通过几个 NSLogs 来验证.

I'm afraid Sylter is incorrect. When an app enters the foreground from the background, either by a direct user action or by a user response to a UILocalNotification, it does not trigger applicationDidFinishLaunchingWithOptions. It does, however, call applicationWillEnterForeground and applicationDidBecomeActive. This can be verified with a couple of NSLogs.

所以,问题依然存在:如果应用从后台进入前台,则无法发现应用是否响应用户对 UILocalNotification 的响应而进入前台,或者如果它只是进入前台.除了...

So, the problem remains: if an app is entering the foreground from the background, there is no way to discover if the app is entering the foreground in response to a user's response to a UILocalNotification, or if it is merely entering the foreground. Except...


Once the app has entered the foreground, it will receive the method application:DidReceiveLocalNotification: if the app entered the foreground in response to a UILocalNotification.

问题是在 application:DidReceiveLocalNotification: 方法中为响应接收 UILocalNotification 而进行的任何 UI 更改发生在 应用已经进入前台之后,从而创建了一个给用户带来不安的体验.

The problem is that any UI changes made within the application:DidReceiveLocalNotification: method in response to receiving the UILocalNotification occur after the app has already entered the foreground, creating a disturbing experience for the user.


Has anyone found a solution?