是否可以将图像存储在 Flash 的 SharedObject 中?

人气:444 发布:2022-10-16 标签: flash actionscript-3 shared-objects


是否可以在 Flash 的 SharedObject 中存储图像?如果它可以工作就好了.我需要在本地存储"图像,但 Flash 似乎不支持它...所以我想将这些图像放在可以保存的 SharedObject 中...但它可以处理图像吗?

Is it possible to store a Image in a SharedObject in Flash? It would be nice if it would work. I need to "store" Images locally but it seems not to be supported by Flash... So I 'ld like to put those images in a SharedObject that can be saved... but does it work with images?


I tried it with a Bitmap but if I want to read and add it to the stage it says that the Object can't be converted to a Bitmap...

var image:Bitmap = //some awesome image;

sharedObject = SharedObject.getLocal("img");
sharedObject.data.img = image;

此处出错 ->

sharedObject = SharedObject.getLocal("img");


在这种情况下,您需要在设置共享对象之前将 Bitmap 写入 ByteArray(换句话说 - 二进制数据).然后,您需要在检索它时将其从 ByteArray 读入位图.这是一个快速示例,希望能让您朝着正确的方向前进:

In this case, you need to write your Bitmap to a ByteArray (in other words - binary data) before you set your shared object. Then you need to read it from a ByteArray into a bitmap when you retrieve it. Here is a quick sample the hopefully will get you moving in the right direction:
