选择值> GridView ASP.NET中为0

人气:766 发布:2022-09-22 标签: asp.net ASP.NET


在这个数据绑定数据从GridBase到GridView DropDownList 它显示80个记录 我想使用条件选择那个值为>的记录0 任何想法如何完成

In this i m Binding Data From dataBase to GridView DropDownList it shows 80 records i want to use a condition it in that select that record whose value is > 0 any ideas how it can be done

private void bindCombo(string ddlName)
               if (ddlName == "ddlCustCode")
               ddlCustCode.DataSource = dl.getCustCode("S");
               ddlCustCode.DataTextField = "CardCode";
               ddlCustCode.DataValueField = "CardName";



你可以这样做 你正在取材数据表中的数据 假设您正在获取数据表名称dt 创建数据表名称myNewTable DataTable myNewTable = dt.Select(qty<>'0')。CopyToDataTable(); 尝试一下,让我知道这对你有帮助而不做任何事更改数据库 You Can do like this You are fetching your data in datatable Suppose you are fetching your datatable name dt create ne datatable name myNewTable DataTable myNewTable = dt.Select("qty<> '0'").CopyToDataTable(); try it and let me know this will help you without making any changes in database

在数据库中你可以做 声明@quantity int set @quantity =从表格中选择数量> 0 如果@ quantity> 0 开始 从表格中选择CustName,CustCode,qty 结束 尝试这个让我知道 in database you can do declare @quantity int set @quantity=select quantity from table where quantity>0 if @quantity>0 begin select CustName,CustCode,qty from table end try this and let me know

您可以尝试使用Generic list以便它可以很容易过滤。 You can try using Generic list so that it can be filtered easily.
private void Bind()
            List<Item> items = new List<Item>()
                 new Item(){ Cust = "One", QTY=8 },
                 new Item(){ Cust = "Two", QTY=0},
                 new Item(){ Cust = "Three", QTY=14 }
            };//Adding list item just to demonstrate

            DropDownList1.DataSource = items.Where(itm=>itm.QTY>0) ;
            DropDownList1.DataTextField = "Cust";
            DropDownList1.DataValueField = "Cust";

public class Item// this can be replaced as per your type that you fetch from your DL layer ( like dl.getCustCode("S") )
       public string Cust { get; set; }
       public int QTY { get; set; }


Hope this helps