CRM项目 - 保险业

人气:440 发布:2022-09-22 标签: crm


我期待创建一个CRM应用程序作为我的主要项目。我不介意学习一门全新的语言作为这个项目的一部分。你认为这将是一个可行的项目,在8-10个月内完成,考虑到我将学习一门新语言并从头开始。 我的目前的专业知识:C(专家),C ++(专家),Java(基础) 项目愿景:1)创建一个包含整个客户数据的数据库保险公司。 (我已经和一家保险公司谈过了,他会让我为他们做这个项目)。 2)在操作和按摩现有数据的范围内为呼叫中心,潜在客户管理,销售跟进,续订跟踪创建单独的模块。 3)为每个客户生成一个自动登录凭证,他们可以为自己的策略提供服务并更改其联系详细信息。 4)在生命周期点发送自动电子邮件和短信,如续订提醒,灾难通知,生日问候等.5)为每个后端用户和更高管理层创建单独的安全登录。 6)根据与用户相关的用户登录类型显示数据的摘要和基本分析。 (这些将是项目的主要块。但是我相信随着我的进步会有更多的事情发生。 主要问题:我应该如何处理整个概念。我是一名具有良好逻辑素养的B.Tech计算机科学工程专业的学生。我擅长编程,虽然我们的大学并不专注于让我们接触各种语言。我们只接受过C和C ++的培训。 从概念上讲,我可以很好地规划架构。但是在较低的层面上,我很困惑使用什么技术,依赖哪种编程语言以及我应该关注的数据库选项。 真的会如果有人能用一些有价值的指导来祝福我,那就太好了。我不介意,即使你把我视为一个愚蠢的首发,这将使我对前进的道路有更详细的理解。 我下定决心!请帮助: - )

I am looking forward to creating a CRM application as my main project. I would'n mind learning a whole new language as part of this project as well. Do you think this will be a feasible project to complete in 8-10 months, considering that I am going to learn a new language and do this from scratch. My Current expertise: C(Expert), C++(Expert), Java (Basic) Project vision: 1) Create a database which will contain the entire customer data of an Insurance company. ( I have spoken to an insurance company who will let me do this project for them). 2) Create separate modules for the Call center, Lead Management, Sales followup, Renewal Tracking all within the scope of manipulating and massaging the exiting data. 3) Generate an automated log in credential for each customer, wherein they can service their own policy and change their contact details. 4) Send automated email and SMS to customer on life cycle points like renewal reminder, calamity notice, birthday greeting etc. 5) Create separate secure log in for each back-end user and higher management. 6) Display summaries and basic analytic of data according to the user log in type as relevant to the user. (These would be the major blocks of the project. But I am sure a lot more things would come in as I progress). Major Questions: How should I proceed with the whole concept. I am a B.Tech computer science engineering student with a good logical literacy. I am good at programming, though our university didn't concentrate on exposing us to a wide variety of languages. We are trained only in C and C++. At a conceptual, I can well lay down the architecture. But at a low level, I am confused what technologies to use, which programming language to depend on and what are the Database options I should look at. Would be really kind if one of you can bless me with some valuable guidance. I don't mind even if you treat me as a dumb-starter, which will give me a more elaborated understanding on the way forward. I am determined! Please help :-)


你是ac / c ++专家,你问的是这个问题吗? 我认为你应该用C ++来做,看看你怎么做。 bryce you're a c/c++ expert and you're asking this question? I reckon you should just do it in C++ and see how you go. bryce

作为一名C / C ++程序员,你应该能够很快地学习C#;从 .NET Book Zero 开始[ ^ ]。这有助于将SQL用作数据库,将ASP.NET用作用户界面。但是,鉴于上述项目的描述,我认为你很难在你的时间框架内完成所有这些模块。 As a C/C++ programmer you should be able to learn C# fairly quickly; starting with .NET Book Zero[^]. This would help with using SQL as your database, and ASP.NET as your user interface. However, given the description of the project above I think you will be hard pressed to get anywhere near completion of all those modules within your time frame.