如何删除 - ((减号)线元素)?

人气:852 发布:2022-09-22 标签: html css


从下面的代码中给出输出像 - 灾难恢复 但我希望删除 - ?可能吗? 感谢您的想法... MyCodes =======

 <   td     width   =  185     class   =  footer_text >   -   <   a     href   =  #asd > 灾难恢复<   / a  >  <   / td  >  

班级: - ======== footer_text

。 footer_text ,。 footer_text  :link ,。 footer_text  :visited  {  font-family  :  Calibri,verdana;    font-size  :  10pt;    color  : #999999;   < span class =code-attribute> text-decoration  :  none;    text-align  :  left;    list-style  :  none;  } 


试试这个css: < pre lang =CSS> td 。 footer_text { color : 透明; } td 。 footer_text a { color : 黑色; }

第一个列表使 td 的前景不可见,然后第二个列表覆盖任何子 td 节点并再次变黑。

Hi, From the below codes giving Output like - Disaster Recovery But I wish to remove that - ? Is it possible? Thanks For The Ideas... MyCodes =======

<td width="185" class="footer_text">-
<a href="#asd">Disaster Recovery </a></td>

Class :- ======== footer_text

.footer_text ,.footer_text :link,.footer_text :visited {
    font-family: Calibri,verdana;
    font-size: 10pt;
    color: #999999;
    text-decoration: none;
    text-align: left;
    list-style: none;


try this css:

td.footer_text { color: Transparent; }
td.footer_text a { color: Black; }

The first list makes the foreground of the td invisible and then the second overrides that for any child td nodes and makes it black again.