运行查询时为什么我的MS Access 2013会冻结?

人气:990 发布:2022-09-22 标签: accessdev


每当我尝试在Access数据库中添加和运行新查询时,它都会响应更长时间。另外,我最近升级了Access数据库。我现在要做的就是关闭查询设计并再次打开它并重复此过程。不知道为什么我的MS Access挂起查询。有任何建议如何解决这个问题?

Whenever I am trying to add and run new queries in my Access database, it is taking way more longer to response. Also, I recently upgraded my Access database. All I have to do right now is to close the query design and open it again and repeat this process over again. No idea why my MS Access hangs on query. Any suggestions how to resolve this problem?


每当我尝试在Access数据库中添加和运行新查询时,响应时间越来越长。另外,我最近升级了Access数据库。我现在要做的就是关闭查询设计并再次打开它并重复此过程。不知道为什么我的MS Access挂起查询。有关如何解决此问题的任何建议吗?

Whenever I am trying to add and run new queries in my Access database, it is taking way more longer to response. Also, I recently upgraded my Access database. All I have to do right now is to close the query design and open it again and repeat this process over again. No idea why my MS Access hangs on query. Any suggestions how to resolve this problem?



This forum focuses on general discussion for Outlook client. Your issue is related to Access database.


To get more suggestion, I would move the thread to Access forum for more help. Thanks for your understanding.