
人气:502 发布:2022-09-22 标签: javascript json


我有一个像这样的JS数组: var

I have a JS array like this: var

Vehicles =  [[,],[,]];

Vehicles [0][0] = "SUV"
Vehicles [0][1] = "Chevy";
Vehicles [1][0] = "SEDAN";
Vehicles [1][1] = "Nissan";


I looked into how to convert a multidimensional array into json but I was wondering if it could be done in a more simple way. How do I convert above array into a json string like such:

{"Vehicles" : 
     [{"typeClass":"SUV" , "typeVehicle":"Chevy"},
      {"typeClass":"SEDAN" , "typeVehicle":"Nissan"}

我读过我可以使用JSON.stringify(Vehicles)。但是阵列是循环数据结构,因此不起作用。我应该只构建字符串,然后将其解析为JSON对象吗? 例如

I read I can use JSON.stringify(Vehicles). But the array is a cyclic datasctructure so that will not work. Should I just built the string and then parse it into a JSON object? Such as

var Vehicles = "SUV,Chevy;SEDAN,Nissan";
var MyJSONObject = JSON.parse(Vehicles);

谢谢, Robert

Thanks, Robert


这将产生你指定的输出。 This will produce the output you've specified.
function Vehicle(class_t, type_t)
    this.typeClass = class_t;
    this.typeVehicle = type_t;

function test1()
	var tmp=new Array();
	tmp[0] = new Vehicle("SUV", "Chevy");
	tmp[1] = new Vehicle("SEDAN", "Nissan");
	myDataObject = new Object;
	myDataObject.Vehicles = tmp;
	objectJSON = JSON.stringify(myDataObject);


If you wished to convert your existing array, you could do so with a small function.

function test2()
    var Vehicles = new Array();
    Vehicles[0] = new Array("SUV", "Chevy");
    Vehicles[1] = new Array("SEDAN", "Nissan");
    Vehicles[2] = new Array("COUPE", "Mazda");
    Vehicles[3] = new Array("ESTATE", "Volvo");

    var i, n = Vehicles.length;
    var tmp = new Array();
    for (i=0; i<n; i++)
        tmp[i] = new Vehicle( Vehicles[i][0], Vehicles[i][1] );
    var mObj = new Object;
    mObj.Vehicles = tmp;
    var objJSON = JSON.stringify(mObj);


