
人气:133 发布:2022-09-22 标签: wpsubmit


Microsoft商店政策第10.8节规定,包含应用内购买,订阅,虚拟货币,结算功能或捕获财务信息的应用必须遵循10.8.1至10.8.6中的要求。 我们在Windows应用商店中有许多桌面应用程序,可通过桌面桥接器使用。申请书不包括第10.8条序言中引用的任何内容,因此10.8.1至10.8.6不适用于申请。 但间歇性地提交失败认证,因为商店列表包含指向应用程序主页的链接,该链接为用户提供了在Microsoft 商店不支持的Windows版本上下载传统msi安装程序的选项(这些页面还包含获取在以前的提交已经过去,同时存在相同的链接.- 认证报告表明提交的内容违反了术语10.8.5。 最近在商店中提供的Spotify和Paint.NET还包含指向商店列表中其主页的链接,其中还提供了传统安装程序供下载。  ;还有其他一些例子可以解决这种情况。 为什么10.8.5这个词是b $ a)正在应用于某些提交,但不适用于其他人.b $ b)适用于不提供应用内购买,订阅,虚拟货币,结算功能或捕获的应用财务信息,因此似乎不属于第10.8节的范围?

Section 10.8 of the Microsoft Store Policies state that apps which includes in-app purchase, subscriptions, virtual currency, billing functionality or captures financial information are required to follow the requirements in terms 10.8.1 through 10.8.6. We have a number of desktop applications in the Windows Store which are available through the desktop bridge. The applications do not include anything referenced in the preamble to section 10.8 and thus 10.8.1 through 10.8.6 would not apply to the application. Yet intermittently, the submissions fail certification because the store listing contains a link to the application homepage which offers users the option to download the traditional msi installer on versions of Windows which are not supported in the Microsoft Store (the pages also include the link to get the application in the Microsoft Store) whilst previous submissions have passed with the same link present. The certification reports suggest that the submission is in breach of term 10.8.5. Spotify and Paint.NET, recently made available in the store, also contains a link to its homepage in the store listing where a traditional installer is also offered for download. There are several other examples where this is happening. Why is it that term 10.8.5 is a) is being applied to some submissions but not others b) being applied to apps which do not offer in-app purchase, subscriptions, virtual currency, billing functionality or captures financial information and thus do not appear to fall under the scope of section 10.8?



Hi jywcli,



If you are sure that your app doesn't violate Microsoft Store Policies, you could try resubmitting your package.

澄清您的应用程序不包含 认证备注第10.8节序言中引用的任何内容可能有所帮助。

Clarifying that yourapplications do not include anything referenced in the preamble to section 10.8 in Notes for certification may help.

