
人气:954 发布:2022-09-22 标签: json entity-framework linq


大家好, 我正在尝试制作一个多步骤jquery表单来上传简历, 和我通过json将数据发送到db并使用Linq to Entity, 我有4张桌子: 1-基本信息 2-教育信息 3-工作经验和 4-技能 当用户点击提交按钮时我需要将edu,工作和技能信息添加到另一个表中,但我需要生成的userid作为外键插入到这些表中, 不知道如何获取id以及如何将其作为参数传递到这些表中: 我的json代码:

Hi guys, I am trying to make a muti step jquery form for uploading resume, and i send data to db by json and using Linq to Entity, I have 4 tables: 1- Basic info 2- education info 3- work experience and 4- skills when user click on submit button i need to add edu and work and skill info into another tables but i need the generated userid to insert into those tables as foreign keys, dont know how to get id and how to pass it as parameters into those tables: its my json code:

        windows.onload = function () {
            $.getFormObject = function (selector) {

                var obj = {};
                var propArr = $(selector).serializeArray();

                $.each(propArr, function (i, p) {
                    obj[p.name] = p.value;

                return obj;


  //  window.onload =
    $(function () {
        $('#btnSubmit').on('click', function () {
            var formObj = $.getFormObject('#msform');
            formObj.Id = 0;

            var dataToSend = { resume: formObj };

                url: '/Resume.aspx/AddBaseResume',
                contentType: 'application/json',
                dataType: 'json',
                type: 'post',
                data: JSON.stringify(dataToSend),
                success: function (id) {

                    var $messageContainer = $('.message-container');
                    $('<div class="alert alert-success" />')
                        .html('Your ID is: ' + id.d)

                error: function () {

                    var $messageContainer = $('.message-container');
                    $('<div class="alert alert-danger" />')
                        .html('Oops! Can not add you right now! :(')



and its my webmethod:

        public static string AddBaseResume(tblResume resume)
            var db = new SHDBEntities1();
            return resume.Id.ToString();

        public static string AddEducation(tblEducation edu)
            var db = new SHDBEntities1();
            return edu.Id.ToString();


thanks in advance for any help or suggestion!


.getFormObject = function(selector){ var obj = {}; var propArr = .getFormObject = function (selector) { var obj = {}; var propArr =

(selector).serializeArray(); (selector).serializeArray();

.each(propArr,function(i,p){ obj [p.name] = p.value; }); return obj; }; }; < / script > < script > // window.onload = .each(propArr, function (i, p) { obj[p.name] = p.value; }); return obj; }; }; </script> <script> // window.onload =