
人气:641 发布:2022-09-22 标签: c# visual-studio vs2012


嘿所有: 这里有新的合适,但我想要一些帮助。我在VS2012中引用了我的应用程序中的SQL脚本(C#,如果重要的话)(Express,如果这很重要)。这是一个不会改变的脚本,它会在第一次运行时创建一个SQLite数据库。事情是,当我尝试通过Properties.Resources.XXXXXX引用它来加载它时,它不会出现,并且错误消息告诉我没有这样的引用。我可以在文件夹中看到它,我可以在解决方案资源管理器的参考资料部分看到它,但它不会让我参考它。 我明白这个文件将无法在运行时更改。我不想要它。 我试过了: - 重新链接文件 - 删除并重新链接文件 - 关闭VS2012并重新开启 - 关闭项目并重新开启 变得沮丧,因为我对C#和VS来说是相当新的(比如,三周大)。想法? 提前致谢! -J

Hey All: Reasonably new here, but I would like some help, please. I've referenced a SQL script in my application (C#, if it matters) in VS2012 (Express, if that matters). It's a script that will not change, it creates a SQLite database on the first run. Thing is, when I try to reference it via Properties.Resources.XXXXXX to load it, it does not appear, and the error message tells me there is no such reference. I can see it in the folder, I can see it in the Resources section of the solution explorer, but it will not let me reference it. I understand that this file won't be able to change at run-time. I don't want it to. I've tried: - re-linking the file - deleting and re-linking the file - closing VS2012 and reopening - closing the project and reopening Getting frustrated, as I'm reasonably new (like, three weeks old) to C#, and VS. Thoughts? Thanks in advance! -J


解决研究另一个网站后我自己的问题。事实证明,不能将文本文件导入到资源中,必须通过文本编辑器添加它。 感谢那些对我投降的人! -J Solved the problem myself after researching another site. Turns out one can't "import" a text file into the resources, it has to be added itself via the text editor. Thanks to those who downvoted me! -J